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Новый ресурс HUSNG.com скоро открытие.

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Старый 01.04.2009, 02:27     TS Старый   #81 (permalink)
Аватар для Sleffa
Регистрация: 01.04.2008
Адрес: SPb/Msk
Сообщений: 1,710
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у него в блоге можно почиать раздачи, как он играл этот ивент
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Sleffa вне форума      
Старый 04.05.2009, 01:47   #82 (permalink)
Аватар для neil
Регистрация: 01.01.2009
Адрес: Тюмень
Сообщений: 267
Золотой кубок 
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Мне тоже интересно! Можно ли у них скачивать видео и стоит ли там DRM зашита?
neil вне форума      
Старый 04.05.2009, 04:44   #83 (permalink)
Регистрация: 10.06.2007
Адрес: Россия
Сообщений: 1,139
Сообщение от neil Посмотреть сообщение
Мне тоже интересно! Можно ли у них скачивать видео и стоит ли там DRM зашита?
Видео можно скачивать, DRM они решили не ставить, потому как все равно взломают, если надо.
WBR вне форума      
Старый 06.05.2009, 00:23   #84 (permalink)
Регистрация: 06.05.2009
Сообщений: 1
Hey guys.

Saw this thread from a link on my website.

I'm RyPac13 on Husng.com (ChicagoRy on 2p2).

If you have any questions you'd like to ask about the site, feel free to ask them, I will answer.

I only speak English, so it's preferable if you could ask questions in English, but if you need something translated hopefully somebody on here can translate for me.

I looked through this thread and couldn't really decipher what was said.

I'm guessing you guys questioned my graph posted on page 1 a bit, understandably.

I played a lot of games at the 200+ level without all of my action (I sold % to people) and my stats are also slightly different (especially big up and downswings) on Sharkscope because I often played 4 mans with people like psimalive, hokiegreg, primordialAA, dibasio, croixdawg or others (this is allowed on PokerStars). So sometimes I will win a lot of 4 man games in a row and it will look like I made say $3,000 but since I played with a partner I only won $1,500. It works the opposite way, so some bigger downswings are only half of what they should be a lot of times.

Anyways, we have had a good launch so far, our traffic from your area of the world is higher than expected too.

We're always making changes and improvements to the site, so look for new things to come every month or two. Since the launch we've added PrimordialAA to the team, as well as a few guest videos. We've also reorganized the forums and we have blogs from some of the top heads up sng players out there. We've also brokered deals to allow users who sign up with us for rakeback on any poker site to earn free monthly memberships to our site, something that is of great value to any husng player.

If you have any other questions, go ahead and let me know here, I will do my best to answer them for you.

RyPac HUSNG вне форума      
Старый 19.12.2009, 19:50   #85 (permalink)
Регистрация: 24.10.2009
Сообщений: 2
Сообщение от xpr Посмотреть сообщение
+1, мог бы выкладывать переводы из новой книги Мошмана, которую счас читаю, перевожу для себя и пытаюсь применять в игре
Что-нибудь уже выкладывал?
kostello вне форума      
Старый 20.12.2009, 09:44   #86 (permalink)
Аватар для Friedrich Nietzsche
Регистрация: 12.12.2009
Сообщений: 43
Сообщение от RyPac HUSNG Посмотреть сообщение
Hey guys.

Saw this thread from a link on my website.

I'm RyPac13 on Husng.com (ChicagoRy on 2p2).

If you have any questions you'd like to ask about the site, feel free to ask them, I will answer.

I only speak English, so it's preferable if you could ask questions in English, but if you need something translated hopefully somebody on here can translate for me.

I looked through this thread and couldn't really decipher what was said.

I'm guessing you guys questioned my graph posted on page 1 a bit, understandably.

I played a lot of games at the 200+ level without all of my action (I sold % to people) and my stats are also slightly different (especially big up and downswings) on Sharkscope because I often played 4 mans with people like psimalive, hokiegreg, primordialAA, dibasio, croixdawg or others (this is allowed on PokerStars). So sometimes I will win a lot of 4 man games in a row and it will look like I made say $3,000 but since I played with a partner I only won $1,500. It works the opposite way, so some bigger downswings are only half of what they should be a lot of times.

Anyways, we have had a good launch so far, our traffic from your area of the world is higher than expected too.

We're always making changes and improvements to the site, so look for new things to come every month or two. Since the launch we've added PrimordialAA to the team, as well as a few guest videos. We've also reorganized the forums and we have blogs from some of the top heads up sng players out there. We've also brokered deals to allow users who sign up with us for rakeback on any poker site to earn free monthly memberships to our site, something that is of great value to any husng player.

If you have any other questions, go ahead and let me know here, I will do my best to answer them for you.

Friedrich Nietzsche вне форума      

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