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Старый 13.10.2006, 21:26     TS Старый   #1 (permalink)
Регистрация: 15.03.2004
Адрес: Ukraine
Сообщений: 2,217
pokerchatko вне форума      
Старый 13.10.2006, 21:39     TS Старый   #2 (permalink)
Регистрация: 15.03.2004
Адрес: Ukraine
Сообщений: 2,217
А ведь еще несколько дней назад рассылали клиентам письма следующего содержания:

Dear xxxx,

Thank you very much for your message and reaching us in this matter.

As you may be aware the Senate on September 30, 2006 ratified HR4954 "Safe Ports Act" that includes legislation endeavoring to make it illegal for financial institutions to process transactions for the purpose of funding online gaming.

It is important to note at the outset that JetSetPoker.com is not a public company, which accords us the opportunity to respond nimbly to these market occurrences where are industry brethren may not be able to do so in a commercially reasonable timeframe. In the short term, we are confident your experiences at JetSetPoker.com will remain the status quo and you shall be able to deposit and withdraw money with no incident as your funds remain secure and safe. We however are unable to predict how the online poker industry may change in the future, given that the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System of the United States has 270
days to recommend rules that may affect payment processing after the bill becomes law. Lastly, in this regard when signed by the President this legislation will not seek to criminalize individuals for playing poker online. The goal of this bill is to eventually attempt to prevent the transfer of funds to online gaming sites.

Please rest assured that we shall vigilantly monitor this process and if anything should change we will dutifully relay any and all conclusions.

Additionally, we anticipate that our business may not be greatly affected in the near and intermediate term as the immediate efforts of enforcing this law will be to potentially block transactions conducted within the U.S. banking system, while the payment processing partners of
JetSetPoker.com are beyond the confines of this jurisdiction. We would anticipate that in the near to immediate term that the U.S. may encounter difficulties in asserting their laws on companies in foreign jurisdictions.

In closing we thank you for your inquiries and continued patronage at JetSetPoker.com and if there is anything further with which we may assist please do not hesitate to contact us again at your leisure.

Best regards,


Типа... продолжайте в том же духе, никаких последствий в ближайшее время не предвидится.

Вот так вот.
pokerchatko вне форума      
Старый 13.10.2006, 21:44   #3 (permalink)
Аватар для Профи
Регистрация: 01.03.2004
Адрес: RU
Сообщений: 5,045
А какая это сеть? И ушла она на дно с деньгами клиентов или без?
На трудном пути к легким деньгам...
Профи вне форума      
Старый 13.10.2006, 21:54     TS Старый   #4 (permalink)
Регистрация: 15.03.2004
Адрес: Ukraine
Сообщений: 2,217
Сообщение от Профи писал пт, 13 октября 2006 20:44
А какая это сеть? И ушла она на дно с деньгами клиентов или без?
В сеть они вроде не входили, а крутились сами по себе. Сколько там игроков было - не знаю, но на BWh они входили в список до самого последнего времени. Т.е., определенная известность и клиентура была. Да и здесь на форуме вроде проскакивали когда-то.
Я сам когда-то подумывал там поиграть, они с епассом работали.

А насчет денег клиентов - пока, похоже, ничего не ясно.
pokerchatko вне форума      

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