OnGame's Room No-Limit Hold'em, $2 BB (3 handed)
by Hand Converter CG
saw flop|
saw showdown
BB ($200.00)
Hero ($430.30)
SB ($153.60)
Preflop: Hero is Button with A:c:, J:c:.
Hero raises to $8,
SB raises $152.60 $1,
1 fold, Hero calls $145.60.
Flop: ($307.2) 3:h:, 3:d:, A:h:(2 players)</font>
Turn: ($307.2) 4:d:
(2 players)
River: ($307.2) 8:c:(2 players)</font>
Final Pot: $307.2
Results in white below:
Hero has Ac Jc (two pair, aces and threes).
SB has Qs Jh (one pair, threes).
Outcome: Hero wins $307.2