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Старый 01.12.2008, 07:27   #861 (permalink)
Регистрация: 31.12.2007
Адрес: Москва
Сообщений: 274
Сообщение от Gump писал пн, 01 декабрь 2008 02:54

Продолжи свою фантазию. Мне самому интересно, как же я туда попал?
как-как, сам и замутил етакую многоходовую комбинашку, сознайся
Все не так просто... Все просто НЕ ТАК!!!
karach вне форума      
Старый 01.12.2008, 16:29   #862 (permalink)
Регистрация: 06.11.2007
Адрес: Москва
Сообщений: 1,725
Черная метка 
Сообщение от karach писал пн, 01 декабрь 2008 07:27
Сообщение от Gump писал пн, 01 декабрь 2008 02:54

Продолжи свою фантазию. Мне самому интересно, как же я туда попал?
как-как, сам и замутил етакую многоходовую комбинашку, сознайся
не смешно, кстати.
GamblerM1 вне форума      
Старый 01.12.2008, 17:06   #863 (permalink)
Регистрация: 16.04.2005
Адрес: Санкт-Петербург
Сообщений: 28
Сообщение от Gump писал пн, 01 декабрь 2008 02:54
Насчет адвоката - во 1х у меня сейчас мало свободного времени чтобы этим заниматься. Я и так на это убил достаточно своего времени. А во вторых путь через адвоката и суды, считаю слаборезультативным.
Ну вот и они так считают, о чем технично донесла некая Юля.
Коста Рика, бюрократия итд ... после выявления бенефициара T6, через например сертификаты, банковские счета, платежные системы и прочие связвнные с бумажками процессы можно предъявить по месту жительства (как минимум Швеция) и до суда бы не дошло т.к. уже бы активы выгодоприобретателя шевельнули ... и время тратил бы обычный лоер с того же острова.
Так что шлите письма ...
rm7812 вне форума      
Старый 01.12.2008, 18:35   #864 (permalink)
Аватар для diman.PN
Регистрация: 25.04.2008
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Кто-нибудь тут сможет сейчас озвучить процент вероятности возврата денег, которые повисли на т6? и будет ли этот переход в новую сеть вообще?
diman.PN вне форума      
Старый 01.12.2008, 20:03   #865 (permalink)
Аватар для ATnewTACK
Регистрация: 13.08.2008
Адрес: Воронеж
Сообщений: 3,712
Судя по всему, это глухое дело. Вероятность -> 0. :( Информация о переходе в новую сеть - просто дешёвый отмаз. ИМХО.
Sing with me just for today, maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away.
ATnewTACK вне форума      
Старый 01.12.2008, 20:46   #866 (permalink)
Аватар для Eclofhea
Регистрация: 09.10.2007
Сообщений: 1,915
у меня за кэш столами играет парень из команды покерньюс. во время очередного обсуждения лайв ивентов речь зашла о тони джи. ну я и упамянул о том что тони гарантировал возврят денег русским игрокам в случае какой нить херни со стороны т6, на что этот парень ответил: "lol, they broke" :?
Eclofhea вне форума      
Старый 03.12.2008, 22:42   #867 (permalink)
Аватар для showfake
Регистрация: 20.09.2006
Адрес: Москва
Сообщений: 724
У меня вопрос согласен Тони признать банкротство Т6 и заплатить половину ?
Мейн ник Water
showfake вне форума      
Старый 03.12.2008, 22:54   #868 (permalink)
Аватар для Дикий
Регистрация: 23.10.2007
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Сообщение от showfake писал ср, 03 декабрь 2008 22:42
У меня вопрос согласен Тони признать банкротство Т6 и заплатить половину ?
Ну это наверное у него нужно спрашивать.
У системы нет сердца, некуда всадить нож.
Дикий вне форума      
Старый 04.12.2008, 17:38   #869 (permalink)
Регистрация: 12.08.2008
Адрес: Lvov
Сообщений: 390
Сообщение от showfake писал ср, 03 декабрь 2008 22:42
У меня вопрос согласен Тони признать банкротство Т6 и заплатить половину ?

я думаю, что пора требовать эту половину, а не спрашивать согласия,
только в какой форме обратится к Тони?Нужно что-то публичное я считаю (2+2 и т.п.)
fedundo вне форума      
Старый 04.12.2008, 20:25   #870 (permalink)
Регистрация: 21.05.2006
Адрес: Москва
Сообщений: 5,472
Я напишу ему на днях об этом.
ilushan вне форума      
Старый 05.12.2008, 00:31   #871 (permalink)
Аватар для diman.PN
Регистрация: 25.04.2008
Адрес: Брянск
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думаю также. Не думаю что стоит надеяться на переход Т6 куда либо. Обращаться к Тони нужно
diman.PN вне форума      
Старый 08.12.2008, 01:47   #872 (permalink)
Аватар для Mirel
Регистрация: 06.04.2005
Адрес: Спб
Сообщений: 880
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поговорил со знакомым финном сегодня:
how are you man? have any news about t6?
08.12.2008 1:33:32 pokermoney: hello man
08.12.2008 1:33:36 pokermoney: I have some
08.12.2008 1:33:45 pokermoney: I met Torben online 2 weeks ago
08.12.2008 1:33:52 mrl: wow
08.12.2008 1:34:07 pokermoney: well..
08.12.2008 1:34:17 pokermoney: fist he promised to pay our money
08.12.2008 1:34:30 pokermoney: he is working with bingo and casino
08.12.2008 1:37:21 pokermoney: and right now they are testing it
08.12.2008 1:37:27 mrl: He described the time frame?
08.12.2008 1:37:37 pokermoney: bingo should launch on friday
08.12.2008 1:38:00 pokermoney: but it's not 100% sure do they get it work that time
08.12.2008 1:40:46 mrl: so, i hope that it's true
08.12.2008 1:41:26 pokermoney: I also know some top guys in company
08.12.2008 1:41:52 pokermoney: and one my Finnish friend has seen the testing page
08.12.2008 1:42:03 pokermoney: that's 100% fact
There is no money in HU, everyone is solid
Mirel вне форума      
Старый 17.12.2008, 01:48   #873 (permalink)
Аватар для Zedmor
Регистрация: 11.03.2004
Адрес: Philadelphia, USA
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Может кому интересно. Что происходит в т6 покер.

"секретная" рассылка от торбена. Типа отчет за 2008 год. Пароль t62008
Тип файла: pdf T6poker_private_placement_10112008_v3.pdf (332.3 Кб, 178 просмотров)
Zedmor вне форума      
Старый 17.12.2008, 01:57   #874 (permalink)
Аватар для ATnewTACK
Регистрация: 13.08.2008
Адрес: Воронеж
Сообщений: 3,712
У меня отображаются лишь пустые страницы. :?
Sing with me just for today, maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away.
ATnewTACK вне форума      
Старый 17.12.2008, 02:00   #875 (permalink)
Аватар для Zedmor
Регистрация: 11.03.2004
Адрес: Philadelphia, USA
Сообщений: 3,144
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Сообщение от ATnewTACK писал вт, 16 декабрь 2008 17:57
У меня отображаются лишь пустые страницы. :?
У меня все ок...
Zedmor вне форума      
Старый 17.12.2008, 02:04   #876 (permalink)
Аватар для ATnewTACK
Регистрация: 13.08.2008
Адрес: Воронеж
Сообщений: 3,712
Странно. Если тебе нетрудно, опиши, пожалуйста, в двух слов о чём там идёт речь.
Sing with me just for today, maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away.
ATnewTACK вне форума      
Старый 17.12.2008, 02:04   #877 (permalink)
Аватар для Zedmor
Регистрация: 11.03.2004
Адрес: Philadelphia, USA
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Сообщение от ATnewTACK писал вт, 16 декабрь 2008 18:04
Странно. Если тебе нетрудно, опиши, пожалуйста, в двух слов о чём там идёт речь.
Куда просрали все деньги + дайте еще денег.
Zedmor вне форума      
Старый 17.12.2008, 02:09   #878 (permalink)
Аватар для ATnewTACK
Регистрация: 13.08.2008
Адрес: Воронеж
Сообщений: 3,712
Спасибо за информацию. Про "дайте ещё денег" сурово сказано, но от Торбена другого, я думаю, никто и не ожидает.
Sing with me just for today, maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away.
ATnewTACK вне форума      
Старый 17.12.2008, 02:15   #879 (permalink)
Аватар для Zedmor
Регистрация: 11.03.2004
Адрес: Philadelphia, USA
Сообщений: 3,144
Отправить сообщение для Zedmor с помощью ICQ Отправить сообщение для Zedmor с помощью Skype™
Вот скопипастил

Thursday, October 30, 2008
for private placement in T SIX Poker Corp S.A.
TSIX Poker Corp. S.A.
San Juan
Costa Rica
Table of Contents
.................................................. .......... ........
Executive Summary
.................................................. .......... .......................
From the desk of our CEO
.................................................. .......... ......................................
The Future of the Company
.................................................. .......... .........
Business Summary
.................................................. .......... ....................
The Market and Competition
.................................................. .......... .................................................. .......... ..............
.................................................. .......... .................................................. .......... ..............
.................................................. .......... .................................................. .......... ........
.................................................. .......... .................................................. .......... ...
.................................................. .......... .................................................. .......... .
.................................................. .......... .................................................. .......... ...........
.................................................. .......... ....
Financial Information
.................................................. .......... ..................................
Expense Summary
.................................................. .......... ......................................
Expense Details
.................................................. .......... ...................
Thursday, October 30, 2008
2 of 13
Executive Summary
From the desk of our CEO
Dear Members and Investors,
There are some Important and good news we would like to convey to you.
T6Poker is in urgent need of more capital to meet with new demands and to secure our investments and to continue operations.
During the last 10 months in business we have used more than the 25 million Euros in T6Poker that originally came in from share
capital and from the advertising campaign. On the following pages we have listed the expenses.
As you will see, we spent a lot of money building the foundation of our poker business. We did expect that the ROI (Return On
Investment) would be faster.
Unfortunately the summer was very slow, but we had signed yearly contracts for continuing our high pro?le advertising campaign
and high number of guaranteed tournaments. This has put us in an unfortunate situation, as we have used all the initial capital to
ful?ll our obligations.
We have paid for all the things we need to pay for, to run a full blown poker company, but we have a cash-?ow problem and don’t
have enough money in short term to pay the daily expenses in order to continue running our company.
If we fail to survive, the value of our investments most likely will disappear, and we will only have the value of our software licenses
and our server parks and customer database.
Our members have done a great job ?nding new investors.
The incoming funds was enough to pay all the Marketing and tournament expenses, if activity the last months was as expected.
But as mentioned above the lack of activity have been giving T6 extreme losses, and that problem is the reason why we send You this !
We are only 10-15% from reaching our primary goal, of being a full blown independent stand alone Poker site.
With the current situation on the ?nancial markets, it is not possible to obtain short term credit in high risk businesses like this, so we
need to ?nd the capital needed internally.
Investors/members who have participated in our Marketing Campaign, will get a part of the pro?t generated from the players we
obtains through this campaign.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
3 of 13
We expect that the following solution will secure T6Poker ?nancially.
If You choose to take part in this opportunity, and by doing so helping the company, and protect/recover the investments made,
You can purchase shares in the company, on equal terms with the existing shareholders.
Today there are 250,000 shares in T6Poker.
You can buy one share to a price of 25.00 Euro.
This gives a total value of the company 6,250,000 Euro, as You can see on the assets schedule, it is a good price.
All of the incoming funds will be used in the T6Poker, to reach our common goal.
I would like to keep a minimum of 10% of the shares, so the shares that can be purchased is max. 225,000 shares.
I would liked to keep a higher quantity, but i am not able to do so, at the moment.
T6Poker will be controlled by the shareholders, and if all of You together purchase a minimum of 50%, You will be able to choose
Directors and Board Members, like in any other company. Any investor that purchase minimum 5% of the share capital ( 12,500
Shares ) will get a seat in the Board.
We are aware of the fact that we need these funds ASAP, and are willing to give You extra bene?ts for taking action on this.
We are looking for two kind of investors to T6Poker.
1. Investors who have participated in our Marketing Campaign. You can purchase 3 shares for each position, and 9 shares for
each ?lled Matrix.
You can also choose to purchase 40 shares, and get 25% discount.
2. New investors, who have joined lately.
Being a new investor You can purchase the shares to a price of 25.00 Euro each, and also get the discount on 25% purchasing
As a T6Poker shareholder you will get Your part of the money earned in T6Poker paid out as dividend.
If you are an “old” investor/member who have participated in our Marketing Campaign, You will get Your part of the “Rake pool”, where
you get 30% of the rake generated from that speci?c pool of players..
Thursday, October 30, 2008
4 of 13
I strongly believe that there is a good chance that we succeed if we stand together and raise the money needed to continue. During
the last 10 months we have established T6poker as a name in the poker industry. Everyone knows T6poker - now it is time to grow the
company stronger.
It is a matter of trust.
I can only say that we have had to respond to bad rumors and hostile activities from the people who always attack our business by
using less serious arguments. Therefore we have used more money on our advertising campaign that initially anticipated, because we
had to defend our core values.
By setting up a public poker company we will have a new company management with more shared responsibility and more
consensus, like decision-making with respect to the future.
I now leave the decision to You!
Yours truly
Torben H?bertz
CEO, TSIX Poker S.A.
In case you want to help out and protect/recover your investments, contact your upline. This is the ?rst emission for
shares in T6Poker. Depending on the result of this emission, it might be need for more emissions in the future.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
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The Future of the Company
If we take a look at our values in T6poker today, we have a database of about 155,000 real players which I think Is our biggest assets.
If you look on the market today, poker companies normally pay more than 100 Euro per customer that makes a deposit and starts
playing. But to have a value like that, as extra Share holder value, You need to be a running company.
Then we can add this to our value : 155,000 players x 100 Euro = 15,500.000 Euro.
We have 2 Server co-locations that we spent approximately 800, 000 Euro on building up, including servers and software.
We have signed contracts with 2 new skin operators that will join the network, but we need to be fully operational to take them in.
Our monthly operating expenses is approximately 70,000 Euro.
Most importantly we have a Master License from Cyberarts worth more than 3 million USD. A Master license enables us to operate a
professional poker network with one of the best and most stabile poker clients in the industry.
We plan to implement Casino and Bingo to our platform and in this way we can get income from more sources. Read more about
those products in the end of this letter.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
6 of 13
Business Summary
The Market and Competition
There has been explosive growth in online gambling web sites since the introduction of the world wide web in the early 1990’s.
The ?rst online gambling site was launched in 1995 and it is currently estimated that there are well over 2,000 internet gambling web
sites o?ering various wagering options, including sports betting, casino games, lotteries and bingo.
The total global market for online betting and gaming is estimated to be worth over 9 billion Euro. By 2012 it is estimated to grow
55% to 18.5 billion Euro (source: Global Betting and Gaming Consultants, 2007). The online betting and gaming is only 5% of the total
global gaming.
The biggest competitors in the poker industry are Partypoker, Pokerstars and Fulltiltpoker.
That is why T6poker, a new player in the industry, wants to re-invent the user experience we o?er. In order to remain competitive it is
important that we will be able to continue to invest in the business areas as; product development and enhancement, system
infrastructure and scalability, back o?ce and customer care, regulatory initiatives. Through innovation we want to add new games
and form new partnerships and we want to increase the quality of experience for our customers.
Gambling reinvents itself constantly, and online poker is the product that seems to be the current guarantor of future growth. Online
poker is the perfect symbiosis of two mega trends in gambling; online gambling and poker. What began as triumphant advance in the
U.S. is now leading to a global poker wave on the internet with tremendous potential.
The amount gambled on poker web sites around the world was more than 48 billion Euro in 2005.
More than 60% of the industry experts surveyed believe that online poker will be the dominant o?er in online gambling in 2-3 years.
75% of the industry experts surveyed believe that the global annual rake (commission) in 2-3 years will be more than 4 billion Euro.
An important reason for the rapid growth of online poker is the increasing number of successful TV shows featuring poker. There are
many examples of successful poker TV coverage, among them the World Series of Poker on ESPN, Celebrity Poker on Bravo and the
European Poker Tour on Eurosport.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
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Online Poker has also gone up in the estimation of the global business and ?nancial community. Betting heavyweight Sportingbet
recently purchased poker site Paradise Poker for about 235 million Euro, which is not a bad price for a web site launched in 1999. More
than 53% of the industry experts surveyed believe this price to be appropriate.
When it comes to geographical expansion, Europe seems to be the place to go. 52% of the experts believe that Europe o?ers the
greatest future potential for online poker. Market leader Partypoker, for example, is planning to launch it is presence on television
throughout Europe every soon and already operates it is web site in 11 other languages besides English.
(source: Research and Markets, Worlds Largest Market Research Resource).
For most people, bingo brings up images of elderly ladies in smoke-?lled halls, but many online gambling executives say it is the next
big growth area.
Consider the numbers. The U.K. is the world’s most developed online bingo market, with the number of web sites growing to 243 in
June 2008 from only 17 in 2004. In Spain, the second most competitive market, the number of web sites grew to 40 from only 6 in the
past year.
A report released in June 2008 by BingoPort.co.uk, an online bingo tracking service, estimated the U.K. online bingo industry earned
149.3 million Euro last year on a 808.6 million Euro revenue.
Bingo players tend to be female, aged 25 to 50 and educated to high school level.
Warwick Bartlett, chairman of U.K. based Global Betting and Gaming Consultants, says online bingo is still relatively immature
compared with internet casinos, poker and sports betting. “We estimate that by 2012 online bingo will account for 25% of the
worldwide betting market and deliver pro?ts of almost 2 billion Euro.
(source: Bloomberg)
Some of the biggest competitors in online bingo are clubs, such as Foxy Bingo, Sun Bingo, Gala Bingo, Ladbrokes Bingo and the newly
opened 888 Ladies. They are aggressively using media to acquire players in order to gain a foothold in the fast growing marketplace.
(source: [Зарегистрироваться?])
Thursday, October 30, 2008
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Out of all the Poker Software providers, Cyberarts Foundation™ is one of the fastest and most stable poker clients in the industry.
And it is the only available for “master” licensing, which gives us the opportunity to run a poker network.
It is essential for most players that the software is fast and stable. This makes them come back again and again to play.
In case we are not capable of building the network as planned, we will be able to join a network of other Pokerrooms, where our
155.000 players can play with the players from the other Pokerrooms and generate pro?t from their activity. So this option is still
there, if we at a later stage needs to optimize the business.
Due to the current activity level our critical mass are decreasing, and not increasing, like it did every day for the ?rst 6 month.
This - we believe - will be regained when we have a more stabile business, after adding the new skins pending. As a stand alone
network we are in need of always having the critical mass of players online to keep the platform attractive.
We have used the last months negotiation with state of the art Casino and Bingo providers. Lot of people think that Bingo is a low
income generator, but Bingo has reached extreme popularity lately, and by adding Bingo and Casino to both T6Poker and our Skins, it
will generate multiple income streams.
As a new poker network the liquidity demand, combined with the current credit crises are tough odds. It has been very expensive to
establish T6poker as a name in an industry dominated by a few huge industrial conglomerates. We believe the market for poker is still
growing but it is a market that will require continuously investment, generated from incoming rake, in customer acquisition to
maintain a growth and stability in our player database.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
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Financial Information
Expense Summary
Income from investors in the Advertising Campaign (1) €25,000,000.00
Income Rake T6 (2) €4,200,000.00
Rakeback (3) -€1,200,000.00
O?ce expenses (4) -€3,300,000.00
Rakeraces (5) -€800,000.00
Sign up bonuses (6) -€2,700,000.00
Free-rolls (7) -€1,100,000.00
Overvalued tourneys (8) -€5,900,000.00
Advertising/magazines ect. (9) -€10,600,000.00
Dividends & bonuses to investors (10) -€2,700,000.00
Hardware, Software & Serverpark (11) -€2,900,000.00
Credit card Fraud (12) -€600,000.00
Total -€2,600,000.00
Thursday, October 30, 2008
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Expense Details
Income Advertising Campaign (1)
This Marketing Campaign is generated by investors/members, selling parts of the income generated from the players created through
the Marketing Campaign.
Income Rake T6 (2)
This is the funds generated in rake from the players on T6Poker.
Rakeback (3)
All players on T6Poker get a 30% Rake-back on their personal rake.
O?ce expenses (4)
Salary, Mail , O?ce rent , Electricity , Phone, Internet, Professional Outsourced Services ,Tax , Commercial Licenses, Hardware ,
Software Licenses, Translation Services, is some of the things You need to pay running a full blown o?ce.
Rakeraces (5)
To gain more activity on T6Poker we have made a Rake Race, where the players from the di?erent countries compete against each
Sign up bonuses (6)
When You want to attract players, it is important to give them a sign-on bonus, because it has become the industry standard in the
business today. If you don’t give sign-up bonuses it will be almost impossible to get new players and grow the business.
This bonus is a part of the reason why we have generated 155.000 clients.
Free-rolls (7)
A part of the players foundation is the new players that start paying poker, by participating in Free-rolls and moving from Free-rolls to
cash tables after some time, and by doing so, they start generating Rake.
Overvalued tourneys (8)
Guaranteed tournaments is what you use as bait, in Your advertising. T6 Poker have been using a 250.000 Guaranteed tournament as
bate plus the 10, 20 and 30.000 daily guaranteed tournaments. This has been extreme expensive, but is one of the reasons why
T6Poker is so well known today.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
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Advertising/magazines ect. (9)
When You o?er a lot of good Free-rolls, sign-on bonuses, and Overvalued tournaments, You need to inform the public about this, to
get people to sign up.
T6Poker have used :
• 200 TAXI in Scandinavia with a 100% covered T6Poker add.
• 600 Full pages in Poker Magazines, newspapers and Sports Magazines.
• Exclusive advertising on one of the worlds biggest live reporting Poker communities
• Sponsoring of a ProTeam with some of the biggest names in the Poker world.
Dividends & bonuses to investors (11)
We have used the investors/members to generate the Marketing Campaign funding. This is the payment for the work done in that
regard, so far.”
Hardware, Software & Serverpark (11)
Co-locations in Dublin and Panama
Credit card Fraud (12)
The only way to collect funds to a Online Gambling page is by giving players the opportunity to pay with Credit Cards. A few
percentages of the people paying with credit card have criminal intent. VISA and MasterCard have focus on his issue, but it is not
possible to prevent all kinds of fraud.

Thursday, October 30, 2008
12 of 13
Our o?ce in Panama City, Panama is a brand new o?ce, constructed this summer, to meet our demands of our future expectations. It
is all equipped with brand new 24” Intel Core Duo iMAC computers, and in-house servers, and a huge knowledge base of highly
quali?ed employees, with an average of 4-5 years experience from the online industry. We have in-house Lawyers, Accountants (CPA &
MBA), Programmers, WEB designers, and a 24/7 support sta? working optimal due to their high standards of education, and good
working environment.
T6Poker has a good reputation in Panama, for being a good and responsible corporation in Panama, ful?lling our responsibility
towards the employees, and the development of the local society in general.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
13 of 13
Zedmor вне форума      
Старый 17.12.2008, 02:36   #880 (permalink)
Регистрация: 30.08.2004
Адрес: Moscow
Сообщений: 2,258
Сообщение от Zedmor писал ср, 17 декабрь 2008 01:48
"секретная" рассылка от торбена. Типа отчет за 2008 год. Пароль t62008
Зедмор один из неизвестных совладельцев Т6?

Меня терзают смутные сомнения (с)

Шутка, конечно
Gump вне форума      

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