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[PokerPlaner] PokerStars SnG Seater BETA - free limitless trial

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Старый 30.03.2013, 17:00     TS Старый   #1 (permalink)
Регистрация: 23.03.2010
Сообщений: 113
##### PokerStars SnG Seater BETA ######

Based on recent events, i decided to put my technology study related to PokerStars SnG to public use
(free limitless trial, for now until 1.5.2013)

- technology is used since ~ one year by my PokerStars table selection tool
- SnG Seater was created as a study around 9 June 2012, since that time there where no adjustments needed, also not as PokerStars put localized PokerStars.eu to life
- made it more easy to use (still some more work to do here)

basic idea:
- automate your SnG sessions regarding SnGs to play, game selection, ...
- optional use of PokerStars player color notes to create a SnG scoring based on already seated player

how to use it:
- you might need to use the english client!!!!
- get latest release >=433
- no registration required
- no internet connection required
- run SnGSeater_Trial.bat (you might need to run it with admin rights)
- select your PokerStars note file, usualy found at: C:\Users\YOUR WINDOW USER NAME\AppData\Local\PokerStars
- on the PokerPlaner SnG tab, add the Game ID column
- used the PokerStars filter to reduce the list to the games you like to play
- enter a min table score (0 if you don't want to use table scoring)
- enter number of SnG you like to play at the same time
- enter number of SnG you like to play in total (at your current session)
- press Start

how to use table scoring:
- the basic idea here is to use the player color coding to devide fish from shark
- color codes you use for fish, you give a positive value, the bigger the fish, the bigger the value should be
- color codes you use for sharks, you give a negative value, the bigger the shark, the bigger the negative value
- f.i. if you want to avoid strong Regs completely, and your color code for them is red, assing -1000 to the red box by clicking into the red box, color codes for fish you choose 1<>100 --> you never join a red shark, but still favour to play know fishes

related future work
- simplify the table scoring
- remove bugs, if it occure
- possible auto color code players and/or calculate a player score based on your history with them (and/or manual assign scores to player independant to the color code)

download: [Зарегистрироваться?]

Have fun with it!
noelte вне форума      

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