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Старый 06.11.2010, 22:20   #7781 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
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PokerStarsBlog: We're inside the Penn and Teller Theater at the Rio and ready to report on the November Nine. Follow along at [Зарегистрироваться?]
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Старый 06.11.2010, 22:50   #7782 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
barrygreenstein: The first big pot was won by Joseph cheong over matthew Jarvis. Cheong raised all in on the river. 20 mil pot I think.
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Старый 06.11.2010, 22:50   #7783 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
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barrygreenstein: The first hand was won by Jarvis 27 minutes after Jack started the table introductions.
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Старый 06.11.2010, 22:50   #7784 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
barrygreenstein: Fireworks and blasts of steam. Bruce Buffer has come and gone. Still no dealing.
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Старый 06.11.2010, 22:50   #7785 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
MattStoutPoker: Jason Senti has been grinding a 15 big blind stack for about four months at the WSOP final table. Now THAT'S discipline lol #fb
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Старый 06.11.2010, 22:50   #7786 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
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PrahladFriedman: Bout to watch Wsop 2010 final table on Espn3.com
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Старый 06.11.2010, 22:50   #7787 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
barrygreenstein: Pay the over. 21 minutes is up. Jack is filling while we wait for the TV people. Bruce Buffer coming on now.
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Старый 06.11.2010, 22:50   #7788 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
PokerStarsBlog: If you're not following @barrygreenstein and his Twitter feed during the November Nine, you are missing out.
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Старый 06.11.2010, 22:50   #7789 (permalink)
Аватар для Twitter
Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
barrygreenstein: I think the Grinder got the loudest ovation. Or was that just his wife Lily?
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Старый 06.11.2010, 22:50   #7790 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
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barrygreenstein: Haven't people learned that it's dangerous to disrespect the sasquatch?
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Старый 06.11.2010, 22:50   #7791 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
barrygreenstein: Despite my disappointment at being put in the VIP area, I am here with the Jack Links Sasquatch.
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Старый 06.11.2010, 22:50   #7792 (permalink)
Аватар для Twitter
Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
barrygreenstein: Each "sign" girl is standing by the side of the table still holding her sign. None of them look Asian to me.
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Старый 06.11.2010, 23:50   #7793 (permalink)
Аватар для Twitter
Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
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barrygreenstein: I habe to take a short break to meet with Congressman John Campbell to tell him why online poker needs his help.
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Старый 06.11.2010, 23:50   #7794 (permalink)
Аватар для Twitter
Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
PokerStarsBlog: With the cards in the air, a half-naked look at the behind-the-scenes craziness of the #WSOP November Nine. [Зарегистрироваться?]
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Старый 06.11.2010, 23:50   #7795 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
barrygreenstein: Soi went over to talk to his coach Nam Le. Cameras rushed over. They were speaking vietnamese. Might need subtitles.
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Старый 06.11.2010, 23:50   #7796 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
MattStoutPoker: Good luck to my buddies @JRD312 @subiime @thegrinder44 @subiime @racener who are just playing for ~$9 million today. No big deal.
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Старый 06.11.2010, 23:50   #7797 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
barrygreenstein: Missed a few hands for the local fox affiliate. This is the Superbowl. Hopefully we'll get it televised live next year.
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Старый 07.11.2010, 00:50   #7798 (permalink)
Аватар для Twitter
Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
barrygreenstein: Fillipo doubles up with pocket Aces against Cheong's AK. He has over 30 million now. Third in chips.
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Старый 07.11.2010, 00:50   #7799 (permalink)
Аватар для Twitter
Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
barrygreenstein: Since Soi is out, I'm rooting for Fillipo Candio since I think he's is now the biggest underdog.
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Старый 07.11.2010, 00:50   #7800 (permalink)
Аватар для Twitter
Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
barrygreenstein: Still playing 250k-500k blinds. Jack proudly displayed new oversized 500k chips that are now in action.
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