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Старый 26.08.2010, 16:40   #5721 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
PrahladFriedman: Years ago I ventured into a documentary film where I would turn a donkey into a world class player. He got good quick, but had nodiscipline
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Старый 26.08.2010, 16:40   #5722 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
PrahladFriedman: Been givin my boy poker lessons over skype lately. I'll keep yall updated on how to it goes. So far so good. He is progressing quickly.
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Старый 26.08.2010, 16:40   #5723 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
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PrahladFriedman: Too bad poker isn't like chess where you could almost always beat a lesser opponent.
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Старый 26.08.2010, 16:40   #5724 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
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Сообщений: 34,331
PrahladFriedman: RT [Зарегистрироваться?] - Congratulations to our new Legend winner, Andy! (via @Kimberly_WPT) Yup, congrats yo. Time for twitter acc4u
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Старый 26.08.2010, 20:40   #5725 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
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Сообщений: 34,331
hattab_: Лазил на 5кнл за рыбой. Хоть ее и быстро убили, но даж как-то не присцал) надо привыкать к хай-стейкс экшену.
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Старый 26.08.2010, 20:40   #5726 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
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RealKidPoker: Boo @CommerceCasino testified against the online #poker bill.  Tell them to put players before profits & support HR2267http://bit.ly/aZZxND
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Старый 26.08.2010, 20:40   #5727 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
PokerStarsBlog: PokerStars about to give away some PCA seats. When was the last time you had a 12 million % ROI? [Зарегистрироваться?]
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Старый 27.08.2010, 02:30   #5728 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
phil_hellmuth: Had a fun few days hanging out with MP3 (Michael Phelps) + his friends. MP3 showed perfect class + grace all week. Plus, MP3 is a warrior!
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Старый 27.08.2010, 02:30   #5729 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
PrahladFriedman: Playing 50-100 nl on stars and 40-80 on ftp. Prefontaine and Spirit Rock. On my grind. Gonna go out for a long run later today.
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Старый 27.08.2010, 02:30   #5730 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
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Сообщений: 34,331
VanessaRousso: I am leaving tomorrow for a 6 week trip...first stop: Jascksonville Kennel Club in FL for their main event and some beach time!
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Старый 27.08.2010, 02:30   #5731 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
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RaSZi: Thanks for the help everyone. Beat: Deleted contacts. Brag: 2 Iphone 4gs. Variance: Might fuck up jailbreaking the first one.
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Старый 27.08.2010, 03:30   #5732 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
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RealKidPoker: Driving to LAX then off to Portugal but don't speak portuguese. Normally I speak "some" of the native language so might have to get a book.
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Старый 27.08.2010, 03:30   #5733 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
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PrahladFriedman: RT @DreDayAllDay20 Preseasons over! Exhibition game tomorrow against northridge...LETS GOOOO!!!!!! -7pm Cal State Northridge, im there.
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Старый 27.08.2010, 15:40   #5734 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
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MattStoutPoker: Having a relaxed week of drinking, jet skiing, plane tours of Grand Canyon, etc before I head to NJ on Monday for Borgata, then London
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Старый 27.08.2010, 15:40   #5735 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
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MattStoutPoker: tytyvm to @JuJu_ATF and @AlCantHang for the #FF mentions!!! =)
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Старый 27.08.2010, 15:40   #5736 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
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MattStoutPoker: thanks to @Rangerfan4lyfe for being my 1000th follower! =)
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Старый 27.08.2010, 15:40   #5737 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
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MattStoutPoker: Tell @CommerceCasino to support #poker players and change their position & support HR2267 - the online poker bill [Зарегистрироваться?] #fb
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Старый 27.08.2010, 15:40   #5738 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
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barrygreenstein: Especially if we keep the trend of online qualifying for live tournaments. Online produces new players.
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Старый 27.08.2010, 15:40   #5739 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
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barrygreenstein: We can't accurately measure the effect online poker has on the land based casinos, but I think it has been positive.
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Старый 27.08.2010, 15:40   #5740 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
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barrygreenstein: They certainly had no qualms with my statement that they were just trying to protect their business interests.
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