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социальная инженерия кардеров в спам-рассылке

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Старый 01.03.2006, 19:18     TS Старый   #1 (permalink)
Аватар для Профи
Регистрация: 01.03.2004
Адрес: RU
Сообщений: 5,045
Получил на свой адрес в домене .info спам. Несмотря на симпатичность истории я оцениваю в 95%, что это поиск российскими кардерами дропов для приема ворованных денег. Но креативщик у них сильный

Our noncommercial enterprise has been engaging in organization and maintenance of shelters for stray dogs and cats for more than 12 years in one of the countries of the former Soviet Union. For the time weve constructed 18 shelters which maintenance, as you see, costs much. The more so we constantly increase the quantity of such shelters in different cities. And we have a lot of sponsors among businessmen and ordinary people who render us feasible material support.

But the legislation of our country does not attribute our work to charitable kinds of activity. Therefore any our sponsor wishing to transfer the money to our account is exposed to the barbarous taxation which size makes up 48 % of the transferred sum. And it doesnt include taxes to which our enterprise undergoes when using these funds. It is quite clear that suffering animals reach a mere trifle of these donations. And it besides that our cities are full of the sick and hungry animals eating garbage on cesspits that our legislators do not care a fig.

Therefore we have come to a decision to engage people who could fulfill not complicated work of short duration as our financial agents. Our sponsors could transfer means for us to your bank account and you, in your turn, could send the means to our agents addresses to Russia. The mediation doesnt require any investments on your part. Moreover we are ready to pay to you for this work not less than 8 % of the sum sent by you and, naturally, to cover all your expenses bound up with sending the money to our address.

Our requirements are simple: you should be over 20 year of age and you should love animals very much. Thus we can avoid the barbarous taxation of our country and above all help poor animals. If you are ready to work together with us and have some spare time fill in the resume stated below. If you satisfy our conditions we send you our employment agreement with gratitude and explain all circumstances of your future work with us in details.

Your company name:
First name:
Last name:
Land phone:
Cell phone:
Hours available for telephone interviews:

Best wishes,

Bolotina Valeria,
... и т.д.
На трудном пути к легким деньгам...
Профи вне форума      
Старый 02.03.2006, 01:49   #2 (permalink)
Аватар для Gnome
Регистрация: 21.05.2005
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очень любопытно, но я не всё понял что-то про помощь животным вроде
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Старый 16.03.2006, 12:28   #3 (permalink)
Аватар для Итар-Тасс
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Ставьте на красное,ставьте на черное,все равно выпадет зеро!(\"Блеф\")
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