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#1 (permalink) |
Регистрация: 06.08.2007
Адрес: Москва
Сообщений: 252
I'm loving the High Stakes Action!!!
By Leatherass This past week has been pretty nuts in the sense that I have now taken my game to the highest limits Poker Stars offers. I am regularly playing 10/20 and 25/50NL now and so far I have gotten off to an awesome start. In fact as I write this I had my best session yet. I won about $35k this session alone. On the week I have a chance to make 6 figures if I can have one more solid session. It is a lot of fun. The money is obviously nice, but at the same time I could lose it just as quick so I am not really thinking about it at this point. It's much too early for that. I just really want to continue to play well and make good decisions. So far I would give myself an A+ on that. I feel I have played every single hand to the best of my ability at this point. That is all I can ask for. If I do that and it turns out I am not good enough, then so be it. It will motivate me to work that much harder. But all I can do now is to play my best and hope that it is good enough. ![]() The screenshot I have is of my last 3 months of play at $600NL and higher. I have been playing pretty consistently well for me throughout this stretch and finally seem to be getting the hang of this game. It was a struggle for a couple of million hands for me to get to the point where I feel confident against some pretty tough players. But I have worked hard at it and am proud of the way I have played recently. Unfortunately it doesn't include all of my recent high stakes play as I made the screenshot a few days ago. This past week has also been an absolute blast. My friend from New York as well as his wife and Stoxtrader spent the week at my house. Forcewithme along with his wife and Stoxpoker member Mbolt made an appearance as well. The week started off great when Force, Mbolt, Stoxtrader and myself went out for some golf. We played 18 in the afternoon and we all played pretty well. If I remember right I shot 73. Everyone had a blast. After golf we all got together for dinner at Portland City Grill and had some dinner as well as some excellnt wine that Stox brought up from Napa. On the next day we played some poker and then went to the Portland underground tour. I've written about this tour in depth before so I won't bore everyone too much, but basically Portland has underground tunnels that are connected all throughout the city. Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s it was used to transport men and women and sell them off to slavery. It is pretty crazy. After the tour we all got back and played some poker. We all sweated each other and fired up some of the biggest games on the net. We even sat as high as 50/100NL!!! It was great to be around such awesome players in LAsNYFriend and Stoxtrader. I think we all learned a lot from each other. My hope was for everyone to figure out what we all did best and then combine out talents into a "superplayer." I think we actually came pretty close too. We all feel like we have improved a lot since the trip. The rest of the week went about as well as you could hope. Everyday was filled with golf, high stakes poker and the best restaraunts in the city. My NY friend absolutely cracks me up. He is one of the funniest guys you could ever meet. He is just so passionate about so many things and speaks so enthusiastically. He is also very confident which I really like about him too. He isn't afraid to get in there and gamble. Everytime I'd go to fire up some tables he'd be like, "Just get on all the 25/50 wait lists." I was like, "Uhh, you sure?" After all it was just last April that I was grinding 1/2NL. Now I am playing 25/50! But he has a lot of confidence in my game and feels that I am at the very least +EV in that game. So he would say, "C'mon get in there. What's a matter, you don't like money? He was just cracking me up all night. On one hand we rivered a very strong hand and the villan checked to us. I think he had like $599 left in his stack and he told me to bet $598 so I could leave him a buck. So that's what I did. The villan called and on the screen is $1 and my friend said, "That's right, now go by yourself a pack of gum kid...lol." A few hands later against another guy I raised 78 of diamonds and the villan 3 bet me. I called and the flop was all low cards with 2 diamonds and he bet out and I shoved. The villan thought for awhile and folded. My friend then shouted out, "Yeah that's right..and next time we don't even need a flush draw..lol." Maybe all of this isn't even that funny, but for some reason I was in stitches when he was saying all of this. We were on a little roll and things were going well. I felt kinda like the "Weed Brownies" guys from this you tube video: All in all we had a great time. I laughed almost the entire week non stop. We played a lot of poker and had some pretty good results as it turned out. We ended up playing 3 rounds of golf. I think I shot 74 and 78 the last two days. The last day I was very tired as we stayed up late every single night and I felt pretty out of it by the end. I got a great night's sleep on Friday night. I was a bit sad when everyone left especially since we had so much fun. Luckily poker allows us some pretty flexible schedules, but at the same time it sucks when two of your best friends live all over the map. It would sure be awesome if we could have weeks like that more often and hopefully us all getting together will happen more regularly in the future. Heck, even from a business perspective it is hugely +EV for us to hang out. I feel like 10X smarter now. But poker aside it is a ton of fun to just hang out with everyone. Even my wife loves it as her and LAsNYfriend's wife have become friends. They went all over town throughout the week and had a blast. They are both passionate about a lot of the same things and get along really well. My wife loves Stox's wife too so if we can get everyone together it will be even that much better. *****EDIT***** I just finished my best day ever!!!!!! I won over $40k today which is exactly what I used to make at my last job in a YEAR. I almost can't believe what is going on here. Sure I have worked hard at poker, but I just can't believe that hard work is actually paying off for me. My whole life I have set goals for myself and to be perfectly honest, I can hardly remember any that I actually reached. Now I have not only started reaching my goals, I am absolutely destroying them. Anyway, I just thought I'd share my most successful day with everyone. |
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#2 (permalink) |
очень много с ним играл. Пожалуй самый стабильный игрок на нл600-1к в этом году , играет по 10-12 столов (но имхо не самый сильный, хотя пожалуй в топ-5). Но есть у меня подозрение, что когда я доеду до нл2к (надеюсь через месяц) он спуститься туда же, а то и ниже . Естественно ничего такого не желаю, просто мне кажется что он прямоват для хай-стэйкса.
![]() Самый сильный опп на нл1к - filthy71 |
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#4 (permalink) | |
Регистрация: 04.02.2008
Адрес: Москва
Сообщений: 544
![]() ...Нострадамус ![]()
Кто к нам с чем зачем, тот от того и того. ![]() |
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#6 (permalink) | |
Регистрация: 04.02.2008
Адрес: Москва
Сообщений: 544
Кто к нам с чем зачем, тот от того и того. ![]() |
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#7 (permalink) | ||
herp derp |
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