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Фулл Тилт Покер

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Старый 15.10.2006, 17:15     TS Старый   #1 (permalink)
Аватар для gefton
Регистрация: 07.07.2006
Сообщений: 433
Вопрос к тем кто там там играет или может ответить на следующие вопросы.
1. Отмыв бонуса 100% на депозит? сколько времени уходит на отмыв, как начисляются очки для отмыва?
Вот информация с их сайта
Full Tilt Poker is pleased to continue offering deposit bonuses to new players. New sign-ups will receive a 100% matching bonus up to $600 on your initial deposit to Full Tilt Poker.

Here's how!

For each dollar raked from a pot, every player who was dealt cards for that hand will earn one point. You can earn partial points if less than one dollar is raked, and you can earn up to three points per hand.

Each point is worth $.06, so you can earn up to $18 per hundred hands.

For every dollar paid in tournament fees, you will receive 7 Full Tilt Points. There is no cap on the number of points you can receive.

The bonus amount will be automatically credited to your Bonus Account where it will be held and released to your cash account in increments of 10% of your initial deposit, or $20, whichever you earn first. So if you do a one-time deposit of $100, each $10 (10%) earned will be instantly released into your account. Deposit the full $600 and your account will get credited for each $20 of bonus earned. At three points per hand, each $20 increment can be earned in fewer than two hours of play at only one table.

You can see your cash total and bonus cash amounts in the Cashier window. You will continue to collect cash until you have received 100% of your bonus money. You have 120 days to earn your deposit bonus.

This offer is available to players making their FIRST deposit at Full Tilt Poker. You have until October 31st to make a deposit and still receive the 100% matching bonus.

2. Уровень игроков? ( В связи с некоторыми событиями должен поменятся )

3. Возможен ли ввод с карты Visa или ePass ?
4. Возможен ли вывод на ePass ?
gefton вне форума      
Старый 15.10.2006, 17:33   #2 (permalink)
Регистрация: 07.11.2005
Сообщений: 4,428
тоже думал об этом ,
3-4 пункт. epass ввод-вывод есть .
pokerman777 вне форума      

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