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Twitter игроков WSOP

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Старый 06.02.2011, 22:40   #10481 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
FossilMan: He did have one pair only, but he called with it. :-(
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Старый 06.02.2011, 23:40   #10482 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
GregFBT: Can da Steelers do it?? I hope so! At breakfast, then grabbing cold ones and heading over to the superbowl feastivities with Bro Karlos! Sui
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Старый 06.02.2011, 23:40   #10483 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
WSOPTD: Music lost a good one RT @davidplastik: News today definitely give me the blues.RIP Gary Moore. [Зарегистрироваться?] via @youtube #garymoore
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Старый 06.02.2011, 23:40   #10484 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
RealPhilLaak: Last run - off to Peppermill for the day. I will miss u Northstar
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Старый 07.02.2011, 00:50   #10485 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
TexDolly: @RaSZi It's just old age and it gets worse. Seriously, you should go to a reputable clinic for a complete check up. Scripps or Mayo's r good
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Старый 07.02.2011, 00:50   #10486 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
WSOPTD: LOL RT "@TexDolly: @phil_hellmuth You watching the game with Barack and Hillary? I guess Will Smith will be there also, right?"-)"
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Старый 07.02.2011, 00:50   #10487 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
TexDolly: @phil_hellmuth You watching the game with Barack and Hillary? I guess Will Smith will be there also, right?"-)
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Старый 07.02.2011, 01:50   #10488 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
basebaldy: Love my mom, but F the Pack!!! She just sent me this: [Зарегистрироваться?]
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Старый 07.02.2011, 01:50   #10489 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
phil_hellmuth: Enjoying a Wisconsin Bratwurst in Cowboy Stadium!! Bailed on NFL tailgate (traffic) @phelpsthefish we will have a drink after the game!
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Старый 07.02.2011, 03:00   #10490 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
Dennis_Phillips: At MGM VIP super Bowl party. Guest of WCOFS. Free food-free drinks-great friends. Can it get any better
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Старый 07.02.2011, 03:00   #10491 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
Annette_15: Hosting the @FullTiltPoker #FTOPS $1k 6max tomorrow 9pm EST and will b doing a pro chat while playing. Join me!
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Старый 07.02.2011, 03:00   #10492 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
basebaldy: Found a black and yellow Morry's bar shirt and a Pittsburgh Pirates hat. Yeah buddy here we go!
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Старый 07.02.2011, 03:00   #10493 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
shaundeeb: Heading to mcfaddens then aria if its not good there prob least excited for superbowl in a while dunno why
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Старый 07.02.2011, 11:00   #10494 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
RealKidPoker: All done. I cashed 25th in the last tourney lost with AK vs 33. To win these you have to win those coinflips late. I'm officially pooped.
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Старый 07.02.2011, 11:00   #10495 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
RealKidPoker: PokerStars women continue to rock! Congrats @Liv_Boeree for winning the Sunday Warm Up. Very proud of you AND the Vanessasss :-)
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Старый 07.02.2011, 11:00   #10496 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
RealKidPoker: Still in 2 last tourneys of the night. 10/89 in the $215 R and 204/225 of Nightly 100k. @Liv_Boeree is HU in the warmup! Glgl.
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Старый 07.02.2011, 11:00   #10497 (permalink)
Аватар для Twitter
Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
phil_hellmuth: WOW!! Did not think I could be this HAPPY because of a football game!! But I was There suffering when Pack lost to Denver in like, 1998...
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Старый 07.02.2011, 11:00   #10498 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
JasonMercier: Steelers sucked today. Blah. I rly need to stop sports betting. Can't pick a winner no matter what
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Старый 07.02.2011, 11:00   #10499 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
RealKidPoker: Out of the Warmup with 77 vs A-10 he made a straight. Oh well, nice run anyway. Just in two last rebuy events than done for the night.
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Старый 07.02.2011, 11:00   #10500 (permalink)
Аватар для Twitter
Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
phil_hellmuth: Best halftime show EVER! Black Eyed Peas, Slash, Usher...Had goosebumps! 3 things in DNA when from Wisconsin like me: beer, cheese + Packers
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