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Twitter игроков WSOP

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Старый 09.11.2010, 09:50   #7841 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
WSOP: Duhamel moves all-in and Racener lets go of a few more chips.
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Старый 09.11.2010, 09:50   #7842 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
WSOP: Racener down to 16m...
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Старый 09.11.2010, 09:50   #7843 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
WSOP: Cards back in the air. Duhamel 196m Racener 22.5m
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Старый 09.11.2010, 09:50   #7844 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
WSOPTD: It's been an amazing final heads up match so far @wsop main event!
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Старый 09.11.2010, 09:50   #7845 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
WSOP: Players now on a short break #wsop
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Старый 09.11.2010, 11:00   #7846 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
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RealKidPoker: WSOP Spoiler alert: just woke up and saw that PokerStars has now produced 6 of the last 8 WSOP champs and Canada it's 1st. Congrats kid!
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Старый 09.11.2010, 12:10   #7847 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
RaSZi: Woke up early but had a really good sleep. Getting ready to work out and then today the 6250eu main event of the Master Classics!! Excited.
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Старый 09.11.2010, 12:10   #7848 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
phil_hellmuth: Matt Marantz (441 Productions) is 1 reason why poker has become HUGE! Matt produces WSOP ESPN since Day One! His VISION is amazing! TY Matt
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Старый 09.11.2010, 13:10   #7849 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
RaSZi: Hahahaha yeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss [Зарегистрироваться?] Gotta love Holland. Guaranteed this will be a nr 1 hit.
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Старый 09.11.2010, 13:10   #7850 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
WSOPTD: Thanks to everyone who joined us to witness @wsop history unfold @riovegas over the last 3 days. Players, fans, media and employees, THX!!!
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Старый 09.11.2010, 13:10   #7851 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
WSOPTD: Congratulations to all of the Nov Nine finishers! You guys played one of the greatest final tables in @wsop history! I'm proud of you all!
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Старый 09.11.2010, 14:10   #7852 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
RealKidPoker: Bruno Mars "When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change, cause you're amazing, just the way you are" is my new fav song.
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Старый 09.11.2010, 14:10   #7853 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
RealKidPoker: Watching SNL and one of their new cast members does and incredible Denzel Washington impression. Still jetlagged and will be up all night.
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Старый 09.11.2010, 15:10   #7854 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
RealKidPoker: RT @MandaLeatherman: Funny "Too Hot for TV" week. :) [Зарегистрироваться?]
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Старый 09.11.2010, 15:10   #7855 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
GregFBT: Playing at Iveys room with @phil_hellmuth and @JasonMercier and a couple of other beautitians! Havin fun and picking up a package!Good times
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Старый 09.11.2010, 16:20   #7856 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
RaSZi: Obviously stuck in a traffic jam too. Need to put ice on it asap but sitting here watching my foot get bigger ^ ^
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Старый 09.11.2010, 16:20   #7857 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
RaSZi: At least I'm prepared to sit a while today. I think I just fractured or bruised my foot. Ice and painkillers ftw
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Старый 09.11.2010, 18:30   #7858 (permalink)
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Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
RaSZi: Fuck it. It was busy on the road. Turned around. Playing now. Ill go to the hospital after.
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Старый 09.11.2010, 18:30   #7859 (permalink)
Аватар для Twitter
Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
RaSZi: Going to be couple of hours late for the Main Event. Gonna go to the hospital and have them look at my foot. It's hurting more and more.
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Старый 09.11.2010, 19:40   #7860 (permalink)
Аватар для Twitter
Регистрация: 09.04.2010
Адрес: Интернет
Сообщений: 34,331
RealKidPoker: @RaSZi at this rate you are going to have to fight Elky on crutches.
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