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Fulltilt и tablescan turbo

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Старый 13.10.2010, 12:02     TS Старый   #1 (permalink)
Регистрация: 13.05.2009
Сообщений: 20
Ответ от саппорта фтп, если я правильно понял то это значит нельзя ? Имеет ли смысл писать им что программа официально разнешена на стразах [Зарегистрироваться?] и не противоречит ни одному правилу на которые они сами ссылаются в письме ? Если я неправильно первел их ответ, то пожалуйста поправьте.

Hello Антон,

Thank you for your email.

The software you have noted is not permitted on our site.

The use of any software or website that gives players an unfair advantage is not allowed. This includes the following types of software and websites:

* Those that calculate hand strength and make recommendations on betting actions during play or tournament end-game analyzers. While some poker programs are legitimate teaching tools, they can only be used while logged out of the Full Tilt Poker software.

* Those that contain statistics derived from hands and/or tournaments in which you did not participate. However, programs or sites that track and analyze hands that you played are permitted.

* Instant messaging systems, including Windows Live Messenger and Google Talk, when used to share hole card information.

* "Bots", which are automated poker-playing programs that make decisions and execute actions.

Players who use prohibited software or websites on Full Tilt Poker may have their accounts permanently closed and their outstanding balance forfeited to compensate victims.

For more information on our policies about third-party software or website use on Full Tilt Poker, please visit: [Зарегистрироваться?]

Good luck at the tables, and if there's anything else we can assist you with, please contact us.


Ashley H
Full Tilt Poker

Please remember never to give out your password or enter
account details over the Internet. Full Tilt Poker staff will
never ask you for your password. For your security, always
keep this information a secret.

Learn, Chat, and Play with the Pros at Full Tilt Poker

Original Message Follows:
Добрый день, является ли разрешенной программа tablescanturbo [Зарегистрироваться?]
Holy_Ice вне форума      

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