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Staking/ Coaching deal offer

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Старый 03.04.2013, 04:10     TS Старый   #1 (permalink)
Регистрация: 03.04.2013
Сообщений: 1
Hello every one !!

First of all i am from Latvia, I could maybe write in Russian this text but it would take me like day or so to do it, so i hope its not a problem for most of you for me to write in English. And anyways if you will want to be part of this you will need some knowledge in English ... ( I understand Russian but I write very slow )

So the thing is, I am not a boss in this team, but just a coach and my coaches are looking for players to stake with free coaching as a part of the deal, we don't have any Russian player in our group and I believe there are some not bad/willing to learn players ... Basically on 180 man turbo's + MTT's ...

What we can offer:

  • Fully backed 7.5k games deal ( after them you have a decision to make - leave or stay with us) on 180s turbo's + MTT's ... basically most players start with 2.5$ 180s and move up pretty fast ... but that also all up to each of yours past/skill/ knowledge where you can start from
  • Cut 40/60 to us for not so great players for beginning, but that all up to each of you again so those numbers we will discuss in private if we will be interested in you and also cut can change very fast , its all up to players hard work/ volume he put in his game while he is with us
  • Free coaching with good coaches at least once a week
  • Access to private skype chat ( were you can mess around with others, discuss a hands or just cry about your bad beats/bad runs), access to private group forum ( video, HH's and allot other sections )

What we expect from you:
  • You need to be a BE player who can put high volume monthly ( close to 1.5k games a month or more)
  • All together with hard work ethic / with big willing to learn and crush the stakes
  • You can not run any SNG stakes while playing for us, for any other stake you must contact me
  • It would be nice also if you would have some knowledge about HEM/ PT software's
All players who are interested in this stake must be OPTED-IN in SharkScope , if you're not, you can do it easily just fallowing their instructions in their web site

Please post 'StakeJack' in your aplication so I know you have read this

If you are interested PM me with:
  1. Your PS screen name
  2. Your skype
... and post here in thread that you apply

If I don't contact u it means I am not interested. No hard feelings
ventru вне форума      
Старый 03.04.2013, 12:33   #2 (permalink)
Регистрация: 02.04.2013
Сообщений: 4
Сообщение от ventru Посмотреть сообщение
Hello every one !!

First of all i am from Latvia, I could maybe write in Russian this text but it would take me like day or so to do it, so i hope its not a problem for most of you for me to write in English. And anyways if you will want to be part of this you will need some knowledge in English ... ( I understand Russian but I write very slow )

So the thing is, I am not a boss in this team, but just a coach and my coaches are looking for players to stake with free coaching as a part of the deal, we don't have any Russian player in our group and I believe there are some not bad/willing to learn players ... Basically on 180 man turbo's + MTT's ...

What we can offer:

  • Fully backed 7.5k games deal ( after them you have a decision to make - leave or stay with us) on 180s turbo's + MTT's ... basically most players start with 2.5$ 180s and move up pretty fast ... but that also all up to each of yours past/skill/ knowledge where you can start from
  • Cut 40/60 to us for not so great players for beginning, but that all up to each of you again so those numbers we will discuss in private if we will be interested in you and also cut can change very fast , its all up to players hard work/ volume he put in his game while he is with us
  • Free coaching with good coaches at least once a week
  • Access to private skype chat ( were you can mess around with others, discuss a hands or just cry about your bad beats/bad runs), access to private group forum ( video, HH's and allot other sections )

What we expect from you:
  • You need to be a BE player who can put high volume monthly ( close to 1.5k games a month or more)
  • All together with hard work ethic / with big willing to learn and crush the stakes
  • You can not run any SNG stakes while playing for us, for any other stake you must contact me
  • It would be nice also if you would have some knowledge about HEM/ PT software's
All players who are interested in this stake must be OPTED-IN in SharkScope , if you're not, you can do it easily just fallowing their instructions in their web site

Please post 'StakeJack' in your aplication so I know you have read this

If you are interested PM me with:
  1. Your PS screen name
  2. Your skype
... and post here in thread that you apply

If I don't contact u it means I am not interested. No hard feelings
Good day!
Since I am new to online. Played before off online.
but I love poker! I'm ready for 100% can work 17 hours a day
If the party will vashoy trainings and sponsorship.
here is the data

PS nickname: adilhan1990
Skype: adiko.mombek
adiko вне форума      

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