__FullFlush1__: too sick
__FullFlush1__: gg
Isildur1: gg
Isildur1: why u quit
__FullFlush1__: just so we both know i outplayed you fanstastically for an hour there ye ?
__FullFlush1__: fulltitl go fk your mother u rigged pice of filthy rig
Isildur1: lol
Isildur1: ur a joke
Isildur1: like that k10 108 wasnt sick ?
__FullFlush1__: lol that was 1 hand and i was ahead who;le way
Isildur1: lol
__FullFlush1__: u know ft just fkem me
Isildur1: u won more flipps than me
Isildur1: pls
__FullFlush1__: u won ak v kk
__FullFlush1__: and won kk v ak
__FullFlush1__: too fking sick
__FullFlush1__: die fulltilt
Isildur1: yeag i had it when the money went in to
Isildur1: yeye whatever
__FullFlush1__: gg isliduuuuuuuuuuuuuur