Получил седня такое вот письмецо и бан своего акка на фтп:
We are contacting you regarding your Full Tilt Poker account.
After a thorough investigation, we have determined that you are closely associated with players who are guilty of fraudulent activity on Full Tilt Poker.
We have determined you are associated with a player due to one or more of the following parameters:
*Accounts have logged in from the same computer/IP address.
*Transfer of funds between both accounts.
*Similar information on accounts.
*Shared payment processors.
For security and privacy reasons, we are unable to release the names of the associated fraudulent players.
Full Tilt Poker has zero tolerance for fraudulent activity. To protect our players and maintain the security of our site, we have permanently closed your account.
кто-нить сталкивался с чем-нить побобным?? и решили ли что-нить в свою пользу?? или все потеряно??