мде, а еще старсовцы любят итальянцев :-/
PokerStars.it Now Accepts Italian Players for Real Money
Affiliati italiani - Vai a http://www.pokerstars.it/poker/affiliate/
We have recently obtained a licence from the Italian government to allow players in Italy to play for real money on PokerStars.it.
Italian players can now play real money tournaments on the PokerStars.it client, but not ring games. The PokerStars.it client will only be available for players within Italy, and the tournaments will only have players within Italy participating.
Any players that are tracked to your affiliate account from Italy will be paid for on a revenue share basis.
You can get the banners here - http://www.pokerstars.it/poker/affil...m_italian.html.
Net revenue share will be paid out at the following rates:
20% for 0-10,000 Euros
25% for 10,001 -30,000 Euros
30% for 30,001+ Euros
Since the play will be in Euros, all earnings for the revenue share will also be in Euros, and then this will be added to your regular affiliate earnings in US$ at the current exchange rate at the time of payments.