Предфинальный стол. СО - чиплидер турнира. После сдачи он написал, что выкинул JJ.
Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, 30+3 Tournament, 500/1000 Blinds 125 Ante (6 handed)
MP (t28081)
CO (t87541)
Button (t4071)
SB (t32403)
BB (t24713)
Hero (UTG) (t56569)
Hero's M: 23.82
Preflop: Hero is UTG with 10

, 10
1 fold,
Hero raises to t2400,
1 fold, CO calls t2400,
1 fold, yummyinmytummy calls t1240 (All-In),
1 fold
Flop: (t8415) 3

, 5

, 5
(3 players, 1 all-in)
Hero bets t5000, CO calls t5000
Turn: (t18415) 6
(3 players, 1 all-in)
Hero bets t49044 (All-In),
1 fold