Да, подстава, набирали-то мы очки по старым правилам.
Написал им письмо с просьбой обменять мне Cash for Points по старому курсу - получил вежливый отказ.
Thank you for your email.
Allow us to inform you that since we have released the new FAME program, the Credits for cash is made depending on your status and on monthly basis. Also as you know the exchange rate has changed and now it is 0.007 for each credit earned and since the old promotion already expired, we cannot redeem your credits with the old exchange rate. Also keep in mind now we are giving you now more channels to redeem your credits such as: Tourneys for Credits, The new FAME Store, Gas for credits, etc; and also you can earn Credits faster than in the past.
А максимум в 1000 баксов - это в месяц, по-моему. Остальное - в следующем месяце обменяешь.