Что я сделал не правильно и как бы вы сыграли?
OnGame's Room No-Limit Hold'em, $0.20 BB (5 handed)
saw flop|saw showdown
MP ($10.40)
Button ($4.15)
SB ($29.70)
Hero ($27.75)
UTG ($8.10)
Preflop: Hero is BB with K:s:, A:h:.
UTG calls $0.10, MP raises to $0.5, 2 folds, Hero raises to $1.1, UTG folds, MP calls $0.60.
Flop: ($2.40) 8:d:, Q:c:, 7:h:(2 players)</font>
Hero bets $0.7, MP calls $0.70.
Turn: ($3.80) K:c:(2 players)</font>
Hero bets $1.5, MP calls $1.50.
River: ($6.80) 3:c:(2 players)</font>
Hero bets $1, MP bets $7.1 (All-In), Hero calls $6.10.
Final Pot: $21
Main Pot: $21, between MP and Hero. > Pot won by MP ( $21 ).
Results in white below:
Hero has Ks Ah (one pair, kings).
MP has Ac Jc (flush, ace high).
Outcome: MP wins $21.
OnGame's Room No-Limit Hold'em, $0.20 BB (5 handed)
saw flop|saw showdown
Hero ($8.25)
SB ($8.90)
BB ($15.10)
UTG ($26.45)
MP ($9.40)
Preflop: Hero is Button with K:c:, A:s:.
1 fold, MP raises to $0.4, Hero raises to $1.4, 2 folds, MP calls $1.
Flop: ($3) Q:c:, 7:c:, 4:s:(2 players)</font>
MP checks, Hero bets $1, MP raises to $2, Hero calls $1.
Turn: ($7) K:s:(2 players)</font>
MP bets $2.5, Hero raises (4.85 , MP calls $2.35.
River: ($11.85) A:h:(2 players)</font>
Final Pot: $11.85
Main Pot: $11.85, between Hero and MP. > Pot won by MP ( $11.85 ).
Results in white below:
MP has 4d 4h (three of a kind, fours).
Hero has Kc As (two pair, aces and kings).
Outcome: MP wins $11.85.
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