Старый 05.10.2011, 16:23     TS Старый   #2 (permalink)
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По информации последнего tl;dr блога господина Вельдхауса - его бой с ElkY состоится 22 ноября, при этом существует вероятность, что драку заснимут на видео:

I have to stay on totally healthy schedule for the fight with Elky. I haven't been training enough, which kinda sucks, but I don't really worry about it at the same time. What does worry me is that in training today I injured my foot again. Last year I nearly broke my foot kicking someone, this time I did the same with the other foot. I have been getting injured a lot, and it sends me on the darkest tilt possible. I think cause it also shows me how much my body deteriorated, while I was in awesome shape when I was younger. Anyway all I can do is live well, and I'm definitely doing that now. We planned the fight on 22nd of November. Some poker TV-show is hosting the fight, but if it falls through Elky and I agreed to do it randomly somewhere on the 22nd. So it finally seems we have a 100% date
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