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Вопрос играющим на пстарс

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Старый 28.09.2006, 22:58     TS Старый   #1 (permalink)
Регистрация: 07.01.2006
Адрес: Moscow
Сообщений: 273
Раньше вроде было можно создавать за ФПП привэйт турниры. Можно ли сейчас и как оно делается?
Tarasio вне форума      
Старый 28.09.2006, 23:17     TS Старый   #2 (permalink)
Регистрация: 07.01.2006
Адрес: Moscow
Сообщений: 273
вопрос закрыт
Tarasio вне форума      
Старый 28.09.2006, 23:49   #3 (permalink)
Аватар для Glehni_Loss_
Регистрация: 14.04.2006
Сообщений: 264
Сообщение от Tarasio писал чт, 28 сентября 2006 22:17
вопрос закрыт
ну поделись инфой, что ли...
Glehni_Loss_ вне форума      
Старый 29.09.2006, 09:58     TS Старый   #4 (permalink)
Регистрация: 07.01.2006
Адрес: Moscow
Сообщений: 273
Сообщение от Цитата:
We are pleased to extend you the ability to post your own
regular "private tournaments" to the PokerStars lobby. Your account
has been updated so that you may now do so.

Tournaments you deploy will have a "standard structure", 1500 starting
chips and 15 minute rounds, with the same structure as a sit and go
event of the same type.

To post a new tournament, log into the PokerStars software and locate
the menu for "Private Tournaments" at the bottom of the "Requests"

A few points about the creation of events:

1) A password is required, and must be 6 characters or more. The
password is case sensitive. The password must not be used in the
message or tourney name fields, as it cannot be displayed in the
tournament lobby.

2) Stud games may not be Pot Limit or No Limit.

3) We recommend tournaments be deployed several days prior to their
start times for best turnout, though we can run events on as
little as 60 minutes notice.

4) We advise including the buy-in amount in the name of the event,
for clarity. Otherwise, players will have to visit the
tournament lobby to locate the buy-in amount.

5) The "Message" field is optional, and what you place here will be
displayed in the tourney lobby in the upper right panel.

6) An event can be canceled from the software only if there are no
players signed up. Once players have signed up, the event can be
cancelled only by a system administrator at PokerStars.

Please keep all of the fields free of profanity or inappropriate
references. PokerStars reserves the right to remove any event
deployed with inappropriate references. Abuse of the feature by
deploying inappropriate material may result in the loss of this

PokerStars provides the ability to create private events as a courtesy
for our frequent players. These events are not intended to be "open"
events, nor to drive traffic from PokerStars to an outside web site.
As such, a tournament title or tournament "lobby message" cannot
contain a URL or an Email address (such as a location where the
password can openly be found).

Good luck running your private games! We thank you and your group
for choosing PokerStars as the home of your private events.
Tarasio вне форума      

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