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Рэпчег от ХэдсАп маста :)

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Старый 02.10.2009, 15:13     TS Старый   #1 (permalink)
Аватар для Checkplease...$1M
Регистрация: 04.02.2008
Адрес: Москва
Сообщений: 544
Смотрим клип - просто ржака, особенно где Фил Хельмут c AK против T4 олл-ин префлоп начинает опять ныть:

You know your a donkey right
You’ve just been http://www.anskypoker.com/2009/01/heaters-and-downswings-variance-in-heads-up-poker/ all night
What’s wrong with you, give me an answer
I hope your mom gets cancer
Your a joke and no doubt you’ll lose that money plus more before you ever cash out

фривольный перевод:
ты ведь знаешь, что ты ишак...
тебе просто нереально прет...
да что с тобой не так, ответь...
чтоб мать твоя от !"№;%:%?:;...
ты ошибка природы и всрешь бабло, прежде чем выведешь

на что "донк" ему отвечает:

Oh yea, well you can kiss my ass I’ll let you know whats gonna happen to your cash
I ain’t a donk, I’ve been around for a while
And i got the proof — documents on file
I’m gonna cash it out through the bankwire
I can see it now, I got a bankwire
Let it build up my payment requests
Just a matter of time before I rub it on my chest
You wanna rematch, you wanna lose again?

фривольный перевод:

О да, да ты че !?! Поцелуй меня [туда], я те скажу, что чего
Я не осел, не новичок...твое бабло ко мне уже течет,
Я буду ими титьки потирать... зарубимся еще? Ведь снова все мне всрешь.

Я так давно не ржал, это ППЦ !!!

Полный текст:

I just stacked that dude
Man, that’s another 50 bucks today
Bing blang blaow
You know for now
Bing blang blaow
Is in the house, yea yea yea yea
Checkraise is in the house
Just won 50 dollars from you
I got your money now
So much for buying food
And I’m gonna cash it out
Rooo roo rooo rooo rooo
And rub it on my titties
Rub it on my titties
Rub it on my titties
Rub it on my titties
Rub it on my titties
Rub it on my titties
Cash out on my titties
I’m gonna start this out with bing blang blaow
Checkraise, 3 in the house
I just won 50 dollars from you
That you couldv’e used to buy some food
But you can’t now
Cause im gonna cash it out
And rub it on my titties
so pretty
Like the feeling of the crisp new bill press against my tit
That I just won from Annette
I’m heads up http://www.anskypoker.com/2009/05/3-things-you-need-to-master/ and I’m dropping this rhyme
But you haters know
That I’ll take you on
And I’ll kick your ass
And take your blinds
At any stake at any site at any time
So when I hit my boomswitch so i can stack a http://www.anskypoker.com/2009/01/how-to-have-better-table-selection/ and I’m a huge bitch
Cause i know hit that youll pay me off because I called your river bet with nothing but a flush draw
Gimme some of that bing blang blaow
Bing blang blaow
Cash cash cash it out
I got your money now
I just won all your money
Gonna cash it out
Rub it on my tittes
Rub it on my tittes
You know your a donkey right
You’ve just been http://www.anskypoker.com/2009/01/heaters-and-downswings-variance-in-heads-up-poker/ all night
What’s wrong with you, give me an answer
I hope your mom gets cancer
Your a joke and no doubt you’ll lose that money plus more before you ever cash out
Oh yea, well you can kiss my ass I’ll let you know whats gonna happen to your cash
I ain’t a donk, I’ve been around for a while
And i got the proof — documents on file
I’m gonna cash it out through the bankwire
I can see it now, I got a bankwire
Let it build up my payment requests
Just a matter of time before I rub it on my chest
You wanna rematch, you wanna lose again?
You call, gonna be all over baby
Second wonderful time, with the bing blang blaow
Bing blang blaow
Masters in the house
I got your money now
Just won 50 dollars from you
I’m gonna cash it out
I’m gonna use it to buy some food
I’m gonna rub it on my titties
I’m gonna rub rub rub rub rub rub rub
Rub it on my titties
Rub it on my titties
Rub it on my titties
Rub it on my titties
Cash out on my titties
Dear checkraise, we are pleased to inform you that all the necessary documentation is on file and your withdrawal request for 100 dollar has been approved.
Your payment will be processed as a bankwirte to checking account number (beep) 87. Please allow 7 days for processing.
50 dollars
Кто к нам с чем зачем, тот от того и того.
Checkplease...$1M вне форума      
Старый 02.10.2009, 15:38   #2 (permalink)
Регистрация: 26.09.2008
Сообщений: 2,840
музычка понравилась )
WhiteRiver вне форума      
Старый 02.10.2009, 16:49   #3 (permalink)
Аватар для ooleggyy
Регистрация: 21.05.2007
Адрес: Витебск Беларусь
Сообщений: 641
Отправить сообщение для ooleggyy с помощью ICQ
уже давно смотрел, сча заценю еще разок
Everything you need is already inside/ Just do it
ooleggyy вне форума      

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